The aim of our PTA is to help every Rossett student achieve their potential by establishing a positive alliance of parents and teachers, increase parent teacher involvement and develop a tangible parent teacher partnership. 

Rossett has an active PTA who support the school at numerous events throughout the school year as well as holding their own fundraising events such as the annual Quiz Night and Year 7 Disco.

Raising Money

Our PTA raises money to improve the facilities for every child at Rossett having allocated funds for: 

  • A new kit for our netball team
  • De-fib demonstration equipment for First Aid
  • New software for Business Studies and Computer Science 
  • A 3D printer for the Design Technology Department which will also be used across the school 
  • Cameras and camera equipment for the Art Department
  • and much more!

These extra items have enhanced the work of our teachers greatly benefit our students. 


How you can help 

The drive to improve the quality of our students’ experience at Rossett increases every year and we urge all parents to become active supporters of the PTA in a variety of ways such as: 

  • attending meetings

  • supporting events

  • volunteering to help at events throughout the year

  • Spreading the word about fundaraising initiatives and events

  • making a donation

  • supporting the Rossett School Lottery

All parents are welcome to attend the PTA meetings. 
